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About us
We are a group of fun loving folks who love the dramatic sunrises and beautiful sunsets of Arizona. We know that together serving God is the way we can grow personally and spiritually. We are truly excited about what God is doing in and through Church@Picacho Peak Resort.
Webster defines a dream as a possibility of doing something. We have a DREAM of God doing something great through Church@Picacho Peak Resort. We want to share that DREAM with you as we join our time, talent, and treasures together.
Why we're here
Jesus said to him, “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. This is the first and greatest commandment….” Matthew 22:37-40
WE DREAM of a church where God’s Word is honored as our highest authority on earth and as the source of real and abundant life.
“…and the second is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself as the law of the prophets hang on these two commandments.”… Matthew 22:37-40
WE DREAM of a church where people serve one another according to the way that God has shaped them. Where spiritual gifts, passion, talents and experiences are a part of how we meet the needs of others inside and outside of our church family.
Jesus said, “go and make disciples of all the nations. Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe what I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19,20
WE DREAM of a church that joins in a conversation with the world and community around us about matters of faith and life, that is always bringing the relevance of God’s perspective to the issues that face us, and that is willing to engage with the honest questions people have about life, death, God and eternity.
WE DREAM of a church that matters to its community, that makes a visible, noticeable, and tangible difference on behalf of Christ in the real problems that exist.
When we meet
We meet each Sunday morning at 8:30 A.M. at Picacho Peak Resort.
Where we meet
We meet at Picacho Peak Resort located at 17065 East Peak Lane in Picacho, Arizona. From I-10 take Exit 219, turn East onto East Picacho Peak Drive and then immediately turn left onto East Peak Lane Frontage Road. In .07 miles turn into Picacho Peak Resort. We meet in the LARGE CLUBHOUSE located near the main entrance gate.
How to find us

We look forward to seeing you Sunday...
Contact us
To give us a shout, call Pastor Frank at 719-250-5520 or email: frankproffer@gmail.com